Wednesday Evenings

There is something for everyone at FPC Wednesday nights. Be enriched by programs for elementary, youth, and adults. Wednesday night at FPC is a dynamic place where community connects and grows in faith. We have something for everyone: Kids and youth participate in groups designed for their unique needs, and adults choose from a variety of selections.

Wednesday Night Dinners for Church Members starts at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday Nights for Children
A night for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade that starts at 6:30 pm.  Together the group participates in a bible study, music, crafts and recreation.  Parents pick their children up at 7:30 pm.

Wednesday Nights for Youth
The Youth meet in the Youth Building located on Jackson Street starting at 6 pm.  The evening starts with dinner and hang time.  Our youth participate in games and a themed lesson.

Wednesday Nights for Adults
A Bible study is open to all adults and taught by our Interim Pastor.  The study starts at 5:15 pm in the Parlor.  Adults also can participate in Hand Bells at 5:15 pm and Adult Choir starts at 6 pm.